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61 Ottawa Street

Vacant Land - For Sale
Muskegon MI 49442
Fantastic Opportunity to own a large 7.25 acre parcel at the beginning of Downtown Muskegon! Immediately adjacent to the North Muskegon area, this rare parcel is situated on Four ...
5691 Bancroft Avenue SE

$374,900Price/SQFoot: $174.37
4 bedrooms
1 full bath 1 half bath
Residential Property For Sale
Alto MI 49302
Handsomely updated country home in Lowell schools oozes with charm & features 7+ acres, large barn, chicken coop with electric, insulation & heat & partially finished guesthouse/...
Unit 2 Portland Road

Vacant Land - For Sale
Clarksville MI 48815
Half acre buildable lot with perc test done. Manufactured homes can be placed here. Boston Twp Taxes. Saranac Schools. Close to expressway for commuting.
0 S Walker Road

Vacant Land - For Sale
Fruitport MI 49415
Welcome to beautiful Cherry Pointe, a new residential development located in Fruitport. These 6 wooded building sites and the surrounding property give you plenty of privacy to b...
Robertson Rd, Parcel A

Vacant Land - For Sale
Middleville MI 49333
Opportunity awaits! Gentle rolling hills with the most breathtaking building site options imaginable. Possibilities are endless for this 26.98 acres with a mixture of tillable lan...
V/L E Jacobs #1 Trail

Vacant Land - For Sale
Muskegon MI 49442
Oakridge area investment opportunity! Evanston Acres. 12 acres of beautiful wooded property. Township approved development with 11 platted buildable lots and ready for infrastruc...
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